Tuesday, April 17, 2007

No Cardio Weight Loss

A recent interview of another 'expert' author has raised the question of weight loss without cardio exercise. My short answer to the question, 'should we forget about cardio?' the answer is a resounding NO. I've just published an article elaborating on this if you'd like to read it. It's here.

In short, While you can lose weight without it, that knowledge is nothing new. You could just as easily write a book 'Lose weight without weights', or 'Lose weight without diets', or 'Lose weight without whatever. Anything radical is going to attract attention. In the book world that means sales.

The benefits of keeping the cardio far outweigh any benefits of not doing it. Just because it's not needed to lose weight doesn't mean we should leave it out. We don't need sex either (in order to survive) but who wants to cut that out?

Check out the article now.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

Great post and article. I wish it could be read by the women paraded around in the TV segment on the non-cardio weight loss book showing off their bodies. Especially those who read the book and follow its teach need your excellent explanation of the need for both cardio and weights.