Monday, April 9, 2007

Beat your cravings

I read about a review by Dr Adrian H. Taylor and colleagues of the University of Exeter in the UK, of 14 studies which examined the benefits of exercise on the cessation of smoking. The review reported that 12 of the 14 studies found that exercise reduced cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms compared to staying inactive.

In several studies physical exercise cut cravings as much, or even more than, chewing nicotine gum. Exercise also as much as tripled the time it took for people to reach for the next cigarette.

Effects were seen for vigorous bouts of exercise lasting up to 40 minutes, but even less intense 15 minute sessions, and even 5 minutes of isometrics, had a significant effect.

Part of the reason could be because of the stress reducing and mood boosting effects of exercise. So if smoking is an addiction you’d like to get rid of, get into the exercise, and whiole you’re at it why not give EFT a go. It's marvelous for beating cravings and addictions.

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