Monday, April 23, 2007

I don’t feel like it

Sometimes it’s a bit hard to get up in the morning and feel enthusiastic isn’t it. Your motivation is about zero. Especially when you feel like you’re not making the progress you’d like or there seems to be so much to do you’re overwhelmed. Especially too when winter comes on and it’s colder and darker.

So what can you do? Succumb to these feelings? That’s all they are… feelings. Other mornings have been exactly the same and you’ve felt quite the opposite I’m sure. So the only thing that’s different generally are the thoughts and feelings you harbor when you wake up.

Well it’s certain that if you do succumb to those thoughts and feelings and hang on to them, you won’t be helping yourself. It might feel good for a little while to lie in your warm bed in slumberland but you’ll feel even worse and less motivated when you finally get up. You’ll have guilt to contend with as well.

So be strong. Get up and get into it. Action activates and you’ll soon leave those feelings way behind. Up you get. Go for your dreams.

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