Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ideomotor training

Ever heard of ideomotor training? This is a fancy name for mental rehearsal. Soviet gymnasts found this training to be of use in learning and executing exercises and have been using it for years.

The Soviet Sports Review reported some research that showed an ideomatic training group reduced heart rates from 135bpm to 89bpm on average after 4 weeks of training. A central group which trained normally had heart rates decreased from 125bpm to 111bpm.

So it would appear mental training not only helps your physical performance but also your physiological performance. Here is an interesting way to do an ideomotor type of training but with your computer and your eyes open. This would be great for people who use the computer a lot. Any spare moments could be used to reprogram your subconscious with these visual and auditory stimuli. Click Here!

Try it and see if it works for you. It's a lot easier than jogging another couple of miles. (Mind you, I'm not for a moment suggesting you stop jogging, doing other cardio and exercises... oh no. You don't get off that easy.)

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