Saturday, April 28, 2007

Do we create our holdups?

My wife once got very inspired after typing up some articles I had written. As a result she started walking in the mornings.

I thought this was great as she had made many false starts on the health and fitness road. I thought maybe this time she'd keep it up.

But then, just after starting, she came down with some flu. On other occasions some other pain or problem arose to prevent her following through.

This type of thing often happens when something new is started. I think she has some subconscious resistance to exercise that brings on some affliction to put a halt to the new exercise plan. We often have a subconscious resistance to change, particularly if it’s a bit uncomfortable.

A good way to help overcome this resistance is to use the EFT tapping method. Remember to bear with it and not be impatient. I'm sure you'll find it helps.

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