Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Weight loss is a 3 pronged fork

Have you ever used a fork with only two prongs? It's not so easy to get much into your mouth with each forkload. Losing weight requires a three-pronged fork. By this I mean there are three angles from which the weight loss game must be played. Few people use all three.

Is it any wonder the world is full of overweight people struggling to shed the fat?
Everyone knows that there's the diet angle and the exercise angle (though again, few people get these right even though they try). The angle most people miss is the mental one.

This involves much more than just writing goals and thinking positively. It includes the emotions. Your emotions drive everything you do. The behaviours you engage in depend on how you feel. The choices and decisions you make are influenced by how you feel. What you perceive and the interpretation of the world around you is coloured by your emotions.

The best way to address these emotional influences so they don't work against you is to use EFT.

Find out more here.

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