Tuesday, September 4, 2007


"A great obstacle to happiness is expecting too much happiness."- Bernard de Fontanelle, French writer.

We’re always looking for happiness aren’t we?

Most of the time we think of it as something 'out there' to be found. Happiness is really just a state of mind, not a way of life or a destination that you'll reach one day. Bumps in the road of life are to be expected, and we mustn't let them ruin our days.

A typical pattern of thinking is that if a combination of factors would just fall into place THEN we would finally be happy. But in reality satisfaction can only come from within. It is a mental game played within your head between your hopes and your fears.

When you let the fears win you are unhappy. When your hopes and sense that everything will be okay wins, you find happiness and peace of mind. So refuse to even contemplate your fears and focus instead on believing that you'll be okay.

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