Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Awww... do I have t-o-o-o-o-o?

Do I really have to exercise to lose weight?

The short answer... yes!

The long answer... well it is possible to lose weight without exercise but where that weight comes from becomes important.

The problem with a diet only approach is the loss of lean muscle tissue. Up to 30% of muscle can be lost!

This loss of muscle lowers metabolism by around 20% (say around 300 calories a day) because its the muscles that burn fat.

Even though millions of people take up dieting, only about 1% achieve any lasting success. The secret to successful long term fat loss is to change the diet and do exercise, both resistance with weights and aerobic training. This burns calories as well as maintaining muscle and metabolism so that future fat burning is assured.

Sorry about that. So make sure you find some form of exercise that you can enjoy at least a bit. As you do more and fitness grows you will be inclined to exercise more in different ways. Come on guys, I know you can do it.

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