Thursday, June 28, 2007

What creates your body?

Metaphysics & brain science have merged and proven that positive thinking and goal setting literally create your body and your entire life experience.

For years, positive thinking and goal-setting were criticized as new age stuff.

But recent breakthroughs in neuroscience along with greater understanding of mental laws prove that the thoughts you think literally turn into the events you experience, the material things you possess... AND even the health of your own body.

We now know there are specific parts of the brain, such as the reticular activating system (RAS), which call our conscious attention to things that are important to reaching our goals and filter out those things that are unimportant.

The RAS is activated by the "programming" which is in our subconscious in the form of beliefs. These beliefs cause the RAS to filter out what doesn't fit with our belief system. This is why people have so much trouble accepting the change desired from positive thinking and the affirmations that accompany goal-setting.

We are discovering that our brain is cybernetic in nature, which means that it is literally like a computer, waiting for a program to be installed.

Our sub conscious mind is the "power center" and the programming that drives the RAS to filter out what doesn't fit with our belief system can be changed. How do we change that programming? Well that's the big question isn't it? How do you go about it? I'll give you my ideas tomorrow.

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