Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Metabolic jump starter

Here's a quick weight loss tip guaranteed to jump start your metabolism.

One of the easiest ways to increase your metabolism is
to perform 10-15 minutes workouts twice a day.

All you need to do is challenge your body a little by doing something to get yourself breathing hard. You don't necessarily have to sweat either.

Try running up and down your stairs a few times. Then do as many push-ups as you
can. Follow that with crunches for the abs and maybe some calisthenics (jumping jacks or skipping) then finish up with a few stretches.

Repeat in the evening.

While it's not a full workout, it will up your metabolism for a few hours, making you less likely to store fat and more likely to burn some. And it's better than doing nothing at all!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Great tip, time to get myself shaped up :)