Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Log your food

I was once asked by a naturopath years ago what my diet was like. I assessed it as pretty good – lots of healthy foods etc. But when I actually wrote down what I ate as I did it there was quite a different picture presented.

Research shows that keeping a log by recording exercise and food intake is one of the best predictors of successful weight loss. A written record can point out your eating patterns such as eating in front of the TV or in the car, or eating the same breakfast every day. You can find out what triggers (stress, sadness, boredom, time of day) cause you to overeat. A written log can help you identify areas where nutritional changes can be made.

You may find that you are eating fewer fruits than you thought or drinking too much soda, for example. Then you’ll know where you can implement healthy changes. Studies show that people tend to underestimate how much they really eat every day.

In doing so, we consume too many calories without realizing it.

And you know what the result of that is!!

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