Monday, June 11, 2007

Reward yourself more

While straight talk and brutal honesty are often good for getting your butt moving, for sustained motivation, the positive approach will keep you from burning out.

Rewards create a feeling of doing something you want to do, not just what you're forcing yourself to do. Even the smallest of rewards can work wonders as you travel from milestone to milestone, weigh-in to weigh-in.

You could compliment yourself by writing down what you would say to anyone else who accomplished what you did. Yeah I know it sounds a bit wierd to compliment yourself. It even feels a bit strange at first. But you see you have a lot of inner personalities and each one is like a seperate individual in your psyche but we won't get too deep into that right here.

Take a day off from any goal activities. Read a funny book. Find some time to be by yourself. Watch your favorite TV show. Put $1 in a jar every time you meet a goal. When it gets to $50, treat yourself. Make a grab bag of little prizes so when you reach a significant goal, reach in and get your reward!

Make up your own list of rewards suitable to you. Make sure they are special and not something you can have any time anyway.You put in the hard yards, you deserve your reward. You've earned it. Good on you.

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