Saturday, June 9, 2007

Being a positive example

The other day I got out of the car (I was a passenger) into driving rain to help a bloke push his car out of the traffic. I got saturated and was very cold but you know what?... I felt good. It felt good to do a kind thing without any expectation of payback.

In any case I believe the Universe does give a payback somewhere along the line. It's the law of cause and effect. A kindness will often be paid back two-, three- or even tenfold. If not from the person you helped, then from someone further down the 'kindness' chain.

The other thing is though you might never really know the full effect of your actions. One small action could lead to another, which could lead to many and involve many others along the way. Your actions may inspire others to do the same, with far-reaching results that completely outweigh that first effort.

Also when you're a positive example for others you actually benefit yourself. Just like when I felt good for helping someone. And on the health side, when you feel good about yourself you're more likely to feel stronger and look after yourself better. You'll more likely take those small, healthy actions that help you build a healthy body and lifestyle.

So go try it out! Do a kind thing for the next person you meet, and see if you don't get a positive return.

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