Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Accustomed taste

Y'know how crisps and creamy and fatty things always taste so good... well they're tastes we get used to the more we eat them.

Just like I got used to having very sweet tea. Then tea without sugar became not worth drinking because it wasn’t sweet enough for me.

The fats add much of the taste to those foods. Unfortunately, as you know, we acquire a taste for such food and the result is our body stores away the fat and a weight problem ensues.

The good news is, all those 'healthy' foods that seem so bland and tasteless, actually do have flavor. As you let go your craving for the fats and eat fewer of those foods, your taste sensitivities will change.

The healthy food becomes more tasteful as you grow accustomed to eating it.

Eventually you enjoy the flavors. You might still enjoy eating a little of the not-so-good-for-you food and that's fine. But the more you enjoy the good food the more you'll want to eat it and the less you'll feel like the other stuff. Use technology in this amazing tool to easily install the power of motivation to help you achieve your health goals.

Start cutting back now.

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