Monday, February 26, 2007

Getting healthy should be fun

For many people, getting healthy means giving up foods they like, starving through the day and feeling deprived. If your 'diet' makes you dread the day then what's the point? Getting healthy has to do with much more than eating right .

Total health means health in all areas of your life: mental. spiritual, financial, social, career, family, relationships and physical. Every little bit counts; even activities that you think have nothing to do with your health count. walking around the neighborhood, talking to friends and family on the phone, setting goals, reading - these are all activities that will help you in your quest to get healthy.

On the physical side you may have to watch out for some foods in your diet, but it's more important to simply incorporate healthy foods –complex carbohydrates – into what you eat and even more importantly eat small meals more frequently. At the same time, exercise does not have to be a painful experience. The key is finding exercise you enjoy, such as playing tennis, riding a bike or going for a walk.

The point is, getting healthy is something to enjoy, not something to look at as a chore; it can be a fun experience, a positive experience that will not be a short-lived fad, but a lifestyle.

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