Saturday, February 3, 2007

Big brother Cover up?

When things don't fit our belief system, our paradigm of the world, we have a natural tendency to deny them. Consequently we will tend to see what we want to see. We are lead to believe that our governments are there for our protection and to serve the interests of the people. We'd all like to believe this. It's comforting to have a "big brother" watching out for us isn't it?

But what if your big brother was a bully and had only self interest at heart? What if you found out that that protector was prepared to sacrifice you for the "greater good" (or his own good)? A hard pill to swallow - and one you might prefer to deny.

Your belief system creates not only the body you have but also creates every aspect of the life you currently lead. We all need to look outside it occasionally and entertain other possibilities - possibilities that may be out of our comfort zone.

Want to get out of your comfort zone and put a chill up your spine? You have to take a look at this video documentary about the 9/11 "terrorist" bombings. It's amazing only a couple hundred thousand people have seen this.

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