Thursday, February 8, 2007

Give 'em a break if they're sore

Enthusiasm at the beginning of a new exercise program is great to have but be careful that you don't overdo it and end up so sore that after your first workout you quit.

That quitting problem hasn't happened to me but I have at times felt sore from overdoing a particular exercise. The best bet is to start nice and easy and gradually increase the intensity in some way. Keep a record to measure your progress.

After my new 1 set, 1 rep max-contraction workout I felt a little sore in the arms. It wasn't much but it was there when I flexed those muscles. Personally I love to feel just that tiny bit of soreness after a good workout.

But if it's still sore by the time of your next workout, my rule is to rest that muscle group a bit more. You gave it too much soreness and it needs a little more recovery time. But don't feel guilty about leaving that muscle out of your workout. It's just like one of the team sitting the game out once in a while because it's not too well.

So yesterday I did everything else but arms... they're fine today so guess what they'll be doing in a couple of hours time!

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