Thursday, February 22, 2007

Choice - be a victor like Viktor

You will often hear people say "I had no other choice..."

Life is full of choice. Everything we do is through choice, even the things we don't want to do. Even the events that do 'happen to us' seemingly through no fault of our own are the result of earlier choices we've made that have placed us in the time and place when those things happen. We are not really the victims we assume to be.

This applies to your whole life. You alone have the responsibility to shape your life. Others can help you… Others will make choices for you… but once you understand that everyone has but one ultimate boss and that boss is yourself, nothing and no one can deny you success.

There's no one to stop you but yourself.

Your life will always be to a large extent what you make of it.

Choice is the one thing no one can really take completely away from you. Viktor Frankl was a survivor of the holocaust in World War 2. They could (and did) strip him of his possessions, his clothes, his family, his dignity, and could have even taken his life. But they could never take away his choice on how he responded to whatever was done to him.

Success or failure? It's always the result of your choices.

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