Monday, November 5, 2007

The Haloween Diet

Last Halloween one of my daughters made some scones and cream to give out to householders as treats. Since it was Halloween she added black food colouring to the scones and to the cream.

Well the scones smelled good and tasted good but they looked like horse droppings and the cream looked like brickies mortar. I wonder how many of her Halloween treats got eaten. I suspect most got chucked away.

There were a few left, which I ate of course because I don't like waste, but I must admit they weren't very visually appealing They tasted good but to look at they certainly didn't get my juices flowing.

Perhaps you could use this idea in your own efforts to avoid the foods that add to your waistline. If you are into baking pies, cakes, cookies and desserts use a generous dose of a food colouring likely to put you off eating the finished product.

After a while you'll get sick of complaints from others in your household and all the food you're wasting. I doubt you'll be over your addiction to those foods and your poor eating habits by then but you never know, it could be a crazy idea worth trying.

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