Friday, August 3, 2007

How to make Law of Attraction work

The Law of Attraction is a big issue at the moment. You've probably heard the hype about "The Secret". They all make it sound so easy to achieve your dreams in only weeks...

Well it could happen and maybe for some it does, but it's probably not going to happen for most people as quickly as the gurus promise it will.


Well, what most people are teaching about the Law of Attraction is incomplete.

See, the Law of Attraction dictates that you won't attract positive things into your life if you're holding on to negative beliefs about yourself; and you won't attract success if you're holding onto negative emotions, like anger, fear, guilt and jealousy.

Unfortunately few people really how to effectively let go of those negative beliefs and emotions.

In my capacity as a counselor and performance coach I use the most powerful, life-changing technique on the planet for neutralizing those emotions. It allows you to immediately let go of anything that's holding you back from achieving what you desire. It's actually based on ancient Chinese medicine that's been used for thousands of years.

Pick up a copy of my latest book "Eliminate Your Fear" and find out all about it.

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