Thursday, January 24, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms

You won't want to hear this but the first priority is to reduce the body fat overall.

Now, in order for that flabby area under your arm to become tone, you'll need to build the triceps muscles in the back of the arm. There are several good exercises you can do to build up that area.

Some of the more common and better exercises you can do for the back of the arms are * Weighted dips * Close grip bench presses * Close grip push ups * Lying barbell French presses * Overhead cable extensions * Cable press downs * Reverse cable press downs

Combining these exercises with a good all round fat reduction program of diet factors and high intensity interval training will see those flabby arms tone up nicely. And the bonus will be...

So will the rest of your body.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

These exercises work! And the work fast too. However, you forgot to mention that you have to use heavy weights to get it. I see women at the gym using a 10# dumbbell for a French press. That's working out???!!!!

I can only speak, truly, for myself but once I got over the idea that I "couldn't lift THAT heavy" I saw results. I French press with a 40# dumbbell and I blow myself away just thinking that I CAN do that!
