Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Breaking the cycle of failure

Our life evolves by one experience building upon another. In effect we "live and learn". Unfortunately more often than not we learn the wrong things. And it's generally pretty much a subconscious process so we don't even realise the sorts of things we’re 'learning'. Often we learn to be fearful instead of learning to improve.

We all make mistakes in life. Do you learn from yours?

Or do you have a cycle of making the same old mistakes over and over? I reckon if you keep coming across the same type of people who annoy you, or you keep getting the same problems and issues popping up... then life's trying to give you a message... WAKE UP MAN! You still haven't got it! You haven't learnt the right thing yet.

Perhaps you want to lose weight but always seem to fail, never seem to finish your reports at work, or have a hard time following through on your obligations. Examine some past failures and review where you went off track.

Above all, don't mistake an experience of failing with your identity... "I am a failure," It's an all too easy trap to fall into. No one is perfect all the time. Take what you have learned and apply it to the next situation.

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