Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How to talk to Angels

A client friend of mine asked me about angels and how to talk to them because i mentioned that was another strategy for dealing with things. Now I'm no expert on angels but my wife has acouple of books on them and I read them some time ago. It made me think.

I like to believe there's more to life than just us here on the physical plane and there certainly seems to be plenty of evidence (though much of it is anecdotal) to suggest we are not alone. I think angels are around us. They may not be all white and winged. They may even be in the guise of ordinary people we come across in our daily travels. I don't know. I don't think it matters if you don't have any concept of what they look like.

I do know that when I try to do everything by myself, including finding lost things, for instance, I often get to the point where I've hit the wall. Things aren't working, I can't find what I'm looking for etc. So I just say, "Okay Angels, I give in. I've done the best I can by myself but I need your help. Please help me..." So for me I just talk to them as though they were a friend beside me. Often somewhere at the beginning of the day I just say thanks to them for being with me today and ask them to help me in various ways.

I guess it's like prayer in a way. I'm not a religious person but I find this a comfortable spiritual thing. I can say that when I call on them for help then let go my attachment to whatever it is I want help with, I invariably feel better about it and things do go better. I generally find what it is I've misplaced that's for sure. You can even call upon specific angels by name if you want. Apparently different angels are good at particular things.

Who really knows. Maybe just the belief in them is a source of personal strength. Talking to them... well what have you got to lose? Nothing really. But I do make sure no one else is around to hear me when I talk out loud to them. They might think I'm nuts already but why give evidence to prove it hey.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


If you lend someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably
a wise investment.

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Friday, October 26, 2007

How to Curb Cravings

The worst thing you can do to lose weight is to starve yourself. Starving yourself teaches your fat cells to conserve energy (i.e. fat) more efficiently.

Then your body's fat-storing processes become very efficient at the expense of your body's calorie-burning efficiency.

Lowering your caloric intake too much will slow down your metabolism and
you will be defeating your whole purpose of dieting.

Losing fat just becomes more and more difficult. And even if you are
exercising regularly this can happen. Curbing your cravings is the first best thing to do to help you lose weight. And the best way to do that is to use the techniques for releasing. One of these is Emotional Freedom Technique. You’ll drop that feeling to munch on a goodie quick smart.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Eat after exercise

After you've worked out you need to replace the energy used up. Carbohydrates are best for glycogen replacement. And you'll need some protein for muscle growth and repair.

The best time to eat is after your workout. Too much before a workout doesn't get used as fuel in the workout, might leave you feeling full and lethargic, and you'll probably end up not even doing it. Or you'll put in a half-hearted effort.

And if you're one of those who work out during your lunch break, you'd be wise to work out first and eat afterwards.


"Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling
- Robert M. Hutchins

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Answer to Chris

It's been suggested that eating whey protein right before a workout might have a beneficial effect.

Whey protein is certainly the superior protein powder. Whey proteins are highly digestible. They have an even better amino acid profile than egg whites, so whey protein has the highest biological value of any protein. It’s absorbed, used and retained better. This makes it more tissue sparing, making it a benefit to people as they diet, age, train or have illnesses or disease.

It’s high in BCAAs which are the aminos most oxidized during exercise and it may even decrease soreness in muscles and assist in recovery from athletic activity because of its quadra-peptides which have pain killing qualities. It may also contribute to bone cell growth, potentially strengthening all the bones in the body.
Whey protein also boosts the body’s ability to fight infection. Intense training lowers immune system response but whey boosts immune response. It helps build up the body’s own antioxidants by raising the levels of glutathione, an essential, water-soluble antioxidant that protects cells and neutralizes toxins.

It inhibits the growth of iron-dependent bacteria, scavenges free iron, can block the growth of pathogenic bacteria and yeast, can stimulate the beneficial intestinal micro flora and has antibacterial properties.

Now in this day and age we are so busy that it’s difficult for most people to eat the recommended six meals a day. This is where protein powders are a great help. It is much easier to have a breakfast a lunch and a dinner and three protein shakes in between.

But the best time to have it is probably in the 90 minute window after your workout as that is when your body needs the extra protein to repair and build up the muscle tissue after the workout breakdown. If you’re going to have anything before the workout it needs to be carbohydrate high rather than protein high, in order to fuel the workout.

The other good time to have it is before bed so your body has building nutrients to work with while you sleep. After all a late night snack of carbs isn’t needed unless you are going to be exercising in your sleep.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thank you

How can you make a difference? Simply try to become a better person. You can choose to make a difference each and every day simply by saying thankyou.

Here is another inspirational, thought-provoking, 3 minute movie that truly captures the essence of making a difference through appreciation.

To watch the movie, click on this link: The Simple Truths of Appreciation Movie

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Eating before workouts

You need energy to work out right?

The energy you get from working out comes from glycogen, a substance that is stored in the body in muscles and the liver.

It's not a good idea to eat a big, filling meal then workout. After a big feed your body wants to direct blood and energy to the digestion system, not the muscles so you won't feel much like exercising mentally and your body won't either.

If you're really hungry before working out, have a piece of fruit, a glass of juice, or even a baked potato. But if you work out for an hour or less anything you eat right before a workout really doesn't have enough time to get into the form of glycogen. The workout's over by the time the fuel's coming available.

The most important time to eat is after a workout, when the muscles are depleted of fuel and hungriest for nourishment and replenishment.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Be better

Here is a short movie to inspire you to be even better than you are. Make it a great day.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Anyone care?

If you think nobody cares if you're alive...

try missing a couple of car payments.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Breaking the cycle of failure

Our life evolves by one experience building upon another. In effect we "live and learn". Unfortunately more often than not we learn the wrong things. And it's generally pretty much a subconscious process so we don't even realise the sorts of things we’re 'learning'. Often we learn to be fearful instead of learning to improve.

We all make mistakes in life. Do you learn from yours?

Or do you have a cycle of making the same old mistakes over and over? I reckon if you keep coming across the same type of people who annoy you, or you keep getting the same problems and issues popping up... then life's trying to give you a message... WAKE UP MAN! You still haven't got it! You haven't learnt the right thing yet.

Perhaps you want to lose weight but always seem to fail, never seem to finish your reports at work, or have a hard time following through on your obligations. Examine some past failures and review where you went off track.

Above all, don't mistake an experience of failing with your identity... "I am a failure," It's an all too easy trap to fall into. No one is perfect all the time. Take what you have learned and apply it to the next situation.