Friday, July 6, 2007

Be happy

Our emotions control and direct how we feel as well as how well or how poorly our bodies function.

The great Mike Brescia in the early 1990s used to go into nursing homes and senior living facilities and test the hearing of the residents over several days at a time.

In one particular facility, everywhere you looked were dogs and cats roaming the halls... and you could even hear birds singing in some of the rooms.

When he asked the director about it she said that in every long-term nursing facility where pets were allowed the residents flourished... many symptoms of old age were reduced or eliminated altogether, and less medication was needed over all.


Because everyone was happier...

And that particular facility was located next door to an elementary school. So one day a week, the little children would visit all the elderly residents, going right into
their rooms and talking and drawing and singing for the old folks...

... and on those days, even LESS medication was needed for all purposes especially pain!

So it goes to show that it is vital to keep your mind focused on positive and happy things as much as possible.

Always have goals to work towards every day and make sure you notice what you did right... praise yourself for your achievements, however small and your body will reward you with feeling better and staying healthier and you’ll live a longer, more productive life.

Make it a great day!

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