Friday, January 26, 2007

What are your goals for 2007?

Perhaps you'd like to make some decisions, some investments in your business or future and you're a bit scared. Maybe you're not outwardly scared but if you're experiencing some resistance to doing it then there's probably inner parts of you that are terrified.

Your inner critic might be saying say, "Don't do it. You might fail. Play it safe. It's not worth it."

But your true self, your real self would say, "STAND up and go for what YOU Want. You have so many people you can help and contribute to their lives. DO IT NOW."

It’s an internal shouting match and for most people, generally the fearful internal selves win.

The result?

You keep doing what you've always done.

So you'll get what you've always got.

Only you can change it.

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